Archive for September, 2008

next project..

50mm f/1.2 nikkor debut!

I just went to Tara’s Blog and I heard a nice tune…

I think I might go to Tower records or CD stores to get his album.
sounds pretty good.

the following song is by Jason Mraz entitled: Im yours

My Nikkor 50mm F1.2 Lens

I’ll add some photos taken by the lens soon.
very sleepy now.. gotta sleep.

My little montage with KenkoDSC517

Am I cursed?

I woke up this morning and thinking about my past few days.

I remembered that there was 1 time when my a computer in my office couldn’t go online.
the delievering seals could not be printed in time for the goods to be delievered.
the manager too the entire day trying to fix it.

In his frustration, during lunch time I could see his appetite wasn’t as good as usual
so when we returned to the office after lunch, I found a way and I fixed it.
The Computer could go online. And so here’s the thing NO ONE THANKED ME.
No one said a thing, as if it I was suppose to do it. Why? why is people treating me that way?
I am a human that deserves a little praise from time to time.

That’s why I am very sure that leaving this company is the right choice.
because I know that someone out there would appreciate people work and help.

Talking alittle about working with Hong Kong people (maybe its only in my office)
First thing in the moring, Everyone has a black face, they don’t greet anyone unless you
do first. (bad manners?)

I once asked my other manager “Mr T” why are they like that? he told me,
that, that makes them look serious in their work, And because you are always smiling
that makes you look like you dont care for your work.

That sound Ridiculous to me as hell. I asked my Wife if thats what happens in her company?
she said no, everyone greets with each other.

Maybe If i was born and raised in Hong Kong I wouldn’t mind not giving any responds to everyone.
, but in my nature. I greet when I enter and I greet when I leave.

ahhhh I’ve been thinking so much these days. It strange how my Boss told me that he would fire me.
But he told me to write a letter of resignation. WTH?

Since this is my first company I donno if other companies are this unorganised too.
worried if they might see my blog? Nah they don’t give a shit about what I do, Looking at my blog would seem never.

found a really cute site just now.

this is one of the examples!
for more pleas go to their website

I finally Won the bid for the Nikkor f1.2 50mm

Ill take some photos with the lens tomorrow! This lens is sooo cool!